I’ve never blogged before, I think I’m way to old
school for this and also I don’t believe for a minute anyone will be
interested. But here goes. I wrote this book after years and years of not being
able to fall asleep on any normal level. I learned patience and perseverance at
its best which has been a good spin off for every day life I guess. At the
moment I seem to be suffering low moods even though I am sleeping much better,
not perfect but better in that the medication now works like it should. I even have
nights where I seem to fall asleep without it which is so frigging exciting.
Although I tend to wake after a few hours and then take medication anyway. Life
goes on doesn’t it? It’s dealing with every day stuff when you are so exhausted
that your brain isn’t registering like it should. I used to second guess my self on absolutely everything. I
also learned not to be hard on myself if I screwed up with people.
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